Dorset Soldiers Space Range 54mm

“The continuing adventures of Captain Courage as he travels the galaxy disrupting Mung the Unapproachable’s plans to conquer the galaxy.”

Now available again as of February 2023

A small range of figures for collector’s and gamers alike sculpted by Giles Brown.



I was put in mind of these by Alan Tradgardland Gruber’s posts on Airfix Space Warriors and more vintage retro sci-fi metal other 54mm space figures

Irregular do an interesting Sci fi metal range but in 42mm


Not forgetting the very odd and short lived Britain’s 54mm Star Guard and aliens Space Range, reminding me of the few that I bought as a youngster; see more

Blog posted by Mark Man Of TIN, 11 April 2023

8 thoughts on “Dorset Soldiers Space Range 54mm”

    1. I had a colour photo of them from an old Dorset Catalogue but cannot find it at present. I think they would compliment your Airfix Space Warriors well and are affordable*. They suit your colourful Dan Dare / Flash Gordon Space vibe.
      *The 50s and 60s metal space figures you show 8n the screen grabs in your posts go for silly money.


    1. I am looking out for the Tim Mee Space Figures in storage to see what I have left unpainted from what you kindly sent me several years back, so I can return some back to you. I have painted some of them including the almost-Wookiees.


      1. Do hold on to them but thank you, found mine a few minutes ago. Could be added to our potential Woking etc collaboration…


      2. Glad you found them again, it was a very kind gift to split your figures. They paint up well – I was doing all this for Airfix and Tim Mee Space Figures when the Ukraine conflict began and I shifted back to Demilitarised DMZ projects like the Scouts and Snowballing (obviously still ongoing).
        Quite irritating that the Tim Mee BMC Range seem to have no UK sellers or imports, shipping from the US to UK is very off-putting.

        This could be a fun Woking (or Stockport) future collaboration.

        Grungy or colourful, Matt or Gloss Sci Fi Space? So many possibilities!
        Posting some bookmarked sites for future inspiration on my Pound Store Plastic Warriors blog at as I have some plastic cheapo figure conversion ideas for using cheapo distorted modern figures as laser fodder. “Watch This Space” as they say (sounds like a review blog of sci-fi movies good and bad).


  1. I have a vague memory of the Britains figures. A quick search shows them to have been pretty weird judging by the selection on ebay.


    1. These weird figures came about just as I was spread thinly collecting on pocket money and paper round funds on Star Wars action figures, new Airfix and Esci OOHO plastics and Peter Laing 15mm metal figures (most of which I still have). I bought a few Britain’s Space figures (they weren’t around for long) but would have preferred to spend the money on the frequently unobtainable and weird Airfix Space Warriors. I have since picked up a boxed set of the yellow space Star Guard and their ships / vehicles.


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